Palma Collection - Canasta Chica Bouquet

Palma Collection - Canasta Chica Bouquet


Our Palma Chica Bouquet’s fresh cut flower design is ready for the park, the playground, and the picnic. Your choice!

The Palma Collection features handmade structured baskets made out of dried and woven palm fronds. Handles are woven into the basket and wrap around the perimeter. The structured shape and flat bottom allow them to sit upright when not being held.


15" x 9" x 5"
5.5" handle height

Usually ships in 2 - 5 days (please contact us for special requests)

Please note: Basket and leather straps are hand made and colors will vary. Our baskets are made from natural palm fiber, please be gentle with your new bag. Be sure not to put sharp things in them that might poke through the basket and avoid creasing or folding the bag in a way that might damage the fibers. Our baskets are strong and durable but should be treated more gently than a leather or canvas bag.

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